This time, in addition to acquainting the participants of the virtual meeting with the results of work so far and the activities carried out in the local community, we will also present future plans, which are in correlation with the upcoming summer months.
We have planned a lot of things, and the upcoming vacations of our diasporas and visits to the homeland are the right time for the joint realization of the planned, in our Kladanj.
Therefore, if you are from Kladanj, you cherish local patriotism in your heart and you want to hear what we are doing in your city, or you just want a short update about what you missed, come to the online meet up on June 10th at 8 PM. You will meet, for sure, many famous faces.
If you are a new participant of the meet up, send all additional inquiries to our Dalida Karabdić to the e-mail dalida.karabdic [at]
We are waiting for you!
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