Next Tuesday, more precisely on June 22nd at 8 PM, in cooperation with the representatives of the City Administration of Zenica, we will hold another virtual gathering of Zenica residents, both those in the homeland and those who left it for one reason or another. As every time so far, MeetUp will be organized via the Zoom platform.
In order to be able to access it, you need to send your basic information (name, surname, place of residence) via e-mail event [at], and indicate that you would like to participate in this event, so that we can provide you with an access link. For all additional questions, feel free to contact the representative of the City Administration of Zenica, Ms. Masa Skrbic via e-mail masa.skrbic [at], and the representative of the i-diaspora, Mr. Safet Kubat, via e-mail safet.kubat [at]
In a few days we will talk about ecology, how much it is represented in Zenica and in what way, then we will talk about the circular economy, or the meaning of this concept, the basic concepts and benefits of recycling, but we will also allow our guests to suggest topics for further discussion.
There is a lot of educational content in front of us, and the same will be presented to the participants of "Zenica MeetUp" by experts from the mentioned fields.
For the first time, we will present to the participants the concrete results of the cooperation so far, so we invite you to join us in as many numbers as possible and hear what the representatives of the i-diaspora, with the support of city authorities, have done in your city. See you!
Note: Copying parts or the entire text is allowed with the obligatory citation of the source.
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