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Swiss-Balkan Design Bridge 2025: Creating Solutions for Social & Economic Development

A collaborative project between I-dijaspora and Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU) from Switzerland, and I-platforma from Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Are you passionate about making a real difference while gaining valuable international experience? Join an exciting summer program in the historic city of Travnik, Bosnia and Herzegovina, where young people from Switzerland and Bosnia come together to create positive change!

What: An innovative 7-day program where young changemakers collaborate to develop solutions for local businesses and social challenges using creative design thinking approaches.

When: June 28 - July 5, 2025
Where: Travnik, Bosnia and Herzegovina - a hidden gem nestled in the heart of Bosnia

During 7 days in Bosnia and Herzegovina, students from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Switzerland will develop innovative and sustainable solutions for start-ups and SMEs (small- and medium-sized enterprises) located in middle Bosnia and Herzegovina. Students will have the chance to visit various companies/factories/projects and afterwards will be divided in small groups where they will work on finding solutions/proposals for a specific company/factory/project. The whole process will be facilitated by professionals and activities will be implemented using design thinking methodologies for better outcomes. With the guidance of mentors and professionals, students will prepare short presentation as an output, which will be presented to respective companies and other stakeholders.

This unique opportunity allows you to work directly with local businesses and communities while immersing yourself in the rich cultural heritage of central Bosnia.

You'll apply innovative methods to real-world challenges, collaborating in mixed teams with Bosnian peers. Through company visits and hands-on project work, you'll develop practical solutions that make a real impact. At the end of the program, you'll present your ideas directly to local stakeholders.

Discover Travnik: Step into a city where history meets innovation. Known as the "City of Viziers," Travnik enchants visitors with its stunning Ottoman-era fortress perched above the city, offering breathtaking views of the Vlašić mountain. Walk through the charming old town with its historic mosques, colorful houses, and the famous "Blue Water" spring. Experience the unique taste of traditional Travnik cheese and ćevapi while working on meaningful projects that impact the local community.

Good news: All program costs are covered! This includes: Travel to and from Bosnia and Herzegovina Full accommodation during the program All meals throughout your stay.

Students from Switzerland will have opportunity to acquire ECTS - credits - more info:

Want to be part of building bridges between Switzerland and the Balkans while experiencing the magic of Travnik? 

More information and application for Swiss students:

Application for Bosnian students: 

Application deadline: March 24, 2025 

For more information feel free to contact Aldin Vrškić (for Bosnia and Herzegovina) aldin.vrskic [at] or Ivica Petrušić (for Switzerland) ivica.petrusic [at] 

Space is limited to 15 participants per country - apply early to secure your spot!

This initiative is jointly organized by I-dijaspora and HSLU from Switzerland, in partnership with i-platforma from Bosnia and Herzegovina, bringing together expertise in social innovation, local development, and international cooperation. 

This project is supported by Movetia - the Swiss National Agency for Exchange and Mobility.