The continuation of Bajtal's lectures regarding sevdalinka will take place next Tuesday at 8 PM.
The esteemed Bosnian sociologist pointed out that he could study this authentic BiH philosophy for the rest of his life.
Fascinated by the same, he dedicated a monograph called "Sevdalinka - the alchemy of the soul" to her, whose short excerpts he presented to his admirers at the previous virtual coffee.
As this is an "inexhaustible source from which it is most beautiful to drink", it is impossible to tell the most interesting and significant details about sevdalinka in an hour. Therefore, we dedicate another online gathering to this topic, and we invite all persons who attended the previous one, as well as other sevdalinka fans, to join us at the next free virtual coffee.
With a simple application that will contain your basic information, you are entitled to participate. You can send us your data to the e-mail info [at], and the link to join will be forwarded to you after registering your presence.
We will arrange virtual coffee, usually, via the Zoom platform.
Note: Copying parts or the entire text is allowed with the obligatory citation of the source.