The contact between the representatives of both institutions was established during the first Forum of the BiH Diaspora in Switzerland, which was held within the initiative „i-platform – Diaspora for development of Bosnia and Herzegovina“ on 26th November 2016 in Bern. Considering the fact that the Centre for Lifelong Learning SCU and the Bern University of Applied Sciences, which focuses on practice-oriented education, tutoring and lifelong learning, pursue similar objectives, cooperation possibilities were taken into account.
The Bern University of Applied Sciences has currently two ongoing projects in Bosnia and Herzegovina. One of them is the Leadership and Skills Development Training for the furniture and wood processing industries of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which aims to reduce the existing skills-mismatch between the sectors education and industry.
For further information please visit their websites:
Centre for Lifelong Learning in Travnik
Bern University of Applied Sciences
Facebook page SCU