Zenica Meet Up

The tenth Zenica Meetup marked by the success stories of the Zenica diaspora

The tenth Zenica Meetup was held on December 21, and over two and a half hours of effective work, socializing, and talking passed so quickly.
Zavidovići Meet Up

Zavidovići - new part of i-platform meetup family

On Tuesday, November 16, the debut of the Zavidovići meetup was held. We are proud and happy that another BiH municipality has become part of our meetup family.
Kladanj Meet Up

November Kladanj Meetups

Prije nekoliko dana i-dijaspora, mreža Pangea iz Njemačke i Općina Kladanj organizirali su 13. “Kladanj Meetup” kao i četvrti „USA i Kanada" meetup koji je ponovno okupio zavidan broj predstavnika kladanjske dijaspore. Osim predstavljenih sedam uspješno realiziranih lokalnih projekata, govorilo se i o budućim planiranim aktivnostima.
Zenica Meet Up

From Zenica Meetup in the world of IT

In cooperation with our representatives, one more Zenica meetup was successfully realized, which gathered many members, the active and the new ones too. In addition to the faithful Zenica diaspora, the meeting was also attended by representatives of the University of Zenica, the ZEDA agency, the AgentLocator company, The City administration and the i-diaspora as the organizer of the event itself.
Kladanj Meet Up

People from Kladanj located in USA and Canada together again on a new meetup

The third Kladanj Meetup for the Faithful Diaspora from the United States and Canada that was held on the last weekend, brought together already active members of the Kladanj community.
Kladanj Meet Up

The 11th "Kladanj Meetup" was held

A few days ago, the i-diaspora, the pangea network from Germany and the Municipality of Kladanj organized the 11th "Kladanj Meetup", which again gathered an enviable number of representatives of the diaspora from Kladanj.
Bijeljina Meet Up

Behind us is another, successfully realized, "Bijeljina Meetup"

Thanks to the successful multi-month cooperation between the i-diaspora, the pangea network from Germany and the City Administration of Bijeljina, another "Bijeljina Meetup" was held on August 11.
Kladanj Meet Up

The second "USA Kladanj Meetup" was held

At the end of last week, the i-diaspora organized an online gathering with the Kladanj diaspora, which is currently residing in Canada and the United States.
Zenica Meet Up

Another virtual "Zenica Meetup" was held: We are organizing the next one live!

The Diaspora from Zenica gathered last night at another Meetup, which we organized in cooperation with representatives of the City Administration of Zenica.
Živinice Meet Up

Manifestation "Days of the Diaspora" in Živinice from 30.07 - 01.08.

The recently held "Živinice Meetup" also served as a kind of announcement of the upcoming event "Days of the Diaspora", which has been held in this BiH city for years.
